
We’re run entirely by volunteers and are always looking for more help. If you’d like to support us, you can organise a collection (at your work, among friends or local school), get a few pals together to help us sort through donated clothes, organise a fundraiser to help us keep going, or even become one of our ironmaidens!


Upcoming events and Thank Yous…

Craigdon gives clothes

Craigdon gives clothes

WOW. Just wow. Craigdon Mountain Sports donated boxes and boxes filled with brand new coats, fleeces, boots, waterpoofs, gloves and socks, this weeked. 2 van loads plus a big car - it's enough to give out to HUNDREDS of kids, which is just as well, as we've 500+ on...

Introducing… The Birthday Club!

Introducing… The Birthday Club!

Every child deserves a birthday to remember. That's why we've launched... The Birthday Club! Children will receive a giftbag with a mix of gift-ready and brand new toys, donated by YOU. Where possible, we'll also supply party bits and bobs so kids who wouldn't...

Many thanks to our lovely supporters...